Buildings in NYC with Major Capital Improvement Applications
What's a Major Capital Improvement?
The Major Capital Improvement (MCI) program provides incentives for landlords to improve rent-regulated property conditions by allowing an increase in rents for rent-stabilized or rent-controlled units based on eligible construction costs.
Where did you get this data?
From a FOIL request submitted to the NYS Homes and Community Renewal. Any missing values in the map is due to HCR not providing that data. Neighborhood shape files were sourced from NYC Department of City Planning.
What can I do to stop MCIs?
Lots of things! Contact your elected officials. Organize with your neighbors. Maybe even consider starting a lawsuit!
Can you share your code?
Absolutely! Click here for the Github.
A red lot means the building has/had a MCI application. Click on a red square to find out what the application was for!